How to clone weed

How to clone weed

Learn the art of cloning cannabis plants with our comprehensive guide. Understand the steps to take cuttings, prepare them for rooting, and nurture them into healthy, thriving clones. Unlock the secrets to successfully replicate your favorite cannabis strains.

Are you looking to save some cash while also fulfilling your inner desire to learn more about gardening and science? In this article we’re going to detail how to start perfecting your process when it comes to growing your own flower!

Getting Started

At some point every seasoned stoner runs out of weed and has the thought, “Man, I should just grow my own.” If you’ve ever done light gardening for your mom, or grown Lima beans in elementary school, you’re already in great shape.

If you have no idea how to keep a succulent alive but are still interested in trying, there’s a place here for you too! Just be sure to try and follow these instructions EXACTLY because while cloning your own plants isn’t necessarily difficult, it’s about being methodical and exact.

So try and channel your inner Dr. Frankenstein, and let’s get started!

Finding A Clone

Cloning a marijuana plant is simple. First you must find or gain access to a healthy “mother” plant and take a clipping that’s not too thick, but not too thin. You want that Goldilocks zone that’s just right. Typically cuttings are 6-8 inches long.

It’s really important that you find a truly healthy mother plant! That way, when your cuttings start to take off they will have inherited their mother’s good genes and will be able to replicate the exact same flower that you wanted to clone in the first place.

Some things to keep an eye out for when you are looking for the right mother plant are: color, smell, how prolific the THC production is, and if you like the way it makes you feel when you’re high. 

One of the best things about cloning your own weed is that you don’t need to mess with growing a marijuana plant from a seed and then having to identify it’s sex along the way. If the original mother plant is female, it’s clone is female, and that eliminates the guesswork of, “Will this plant I’m about to grow turn into a stupid seedy male plant?” 

Be sure to ONLY TAKE A CLIPPING from a mother plant that is in a VEGETATIVE STATE. If you take a clone from a plant that is flowering you will have to mess with all of the aforementioned seeds and sexing. 

What You Will Need

Be sure that you aren’t just using your house scissors for these clones, and that you are working with a dedicated pair of scissors to avoid contamination. 

  • Scissors 

  • A spray bottle filled with non-chlorinated water

  • A cheap razor blade for trimming up cuttings

  • Rooting Setup 

    • You can buy one of these at any big garden store. The entire arrangement is: a tray, tray-cell insert, and a domed lid with a couple of adjustable vents on the top.

    • You could also use root cubes, but the benefit to using tray-cell inserts is that you won’t need to transplant your clones immediately once they begin to root.

  • A heat mat (optional)

  • The sun, or grow lights (T5 was specifically made for clones, but you can use a stronger light if it is a little further away that a weaker light would be)(also optional)

  • Rooting hormone (optional)

Prepare Your Soil 

It is extremely important to have the tray-cell inserts ready to go so that when you’ve harvested your clones they can go directly into the soil.

When choosing which soil to purchase keep in mind that you want to go with one that has good aeration and has an ideal pH range from 6.3-6.8.

You can buy soil that is specifically formulated for growing cannabis, or you could use regular potting soil so long as you inspect it first for pests, mites, and fungus.

You’ll want to make a 2-3 inch indentation with your finger in preparation for the new cutting to go in. Mist each tray-cell with more un-chlorinated water.

Time To Cut!

Okay, so you’re standing at the mother plant with your pair of scissors (we recommend Fiskars because they automatically spring back open so you can work more efficiently). Before you start snipping, be sure to have a cup of non-chlorinated water nearby so you have somewhere to place your clones before you move on to the next step.

Again, you’re going to be searching for a stem that is neither spindly nor particularly girthy, but still healthy and green and about 6 inches tall. You’re going to want 2 nodes on the final cutting, so make sure the stem you choose has a couple.

Feel free to take more clones than you think you’ll need in case some don’t flourish properly or in a timely manner.

In a few days, the stems that you choose and cut are going to start shooting roots out of the bottom, so you want it to be a good size to improve your chances of the roots growing healthily.

Once you have your little clone snipped off of the mother, you’re going to remove the bottom leaves and keep the top ones. 

Here’s where your razor comes into play. Scrape the tough bottom of the outer stem, this will allow roots to develop more quickly.

Then you can rest the cutting in that cup of non-chlorinated water while you snip a few more cuttings and add them to the cup.

Now, We Plant!

This is the easy part. Since you already prepared your soil, you can dunk your little cuttings one at a time into a rooting hormone (but you don’t have to), and then gently and lovingly place them individually into their tray-cells that are inside of the larger tray.

Mist everybody gently with water, but do not soak because this will lead your roots to rot.

From here, you are going to set the tray onto the heat mat, but place a towel between the tray and the mat so as to avoid burning the clones. Then, place the domed lid on top with the air valves closed.

Heat Specifications

The goal with clones is to get the root cuttings to tolerate a regular grow environment as quickly as possible. 

Clones like to exist between 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit, 78 being the ideal temperature. If possible, find a heat mat that can be set on an automatic timer to turn on and off every 5-15 minutes.

Keep an eye on the humidity in the dome. Clones do well with about 70-80% humidity.

You are going to want to start weaning the clones off of the humidity in the dome and start opening the vents gradually on the 4th day and prepare to have the vents all the way open by day 10.


Okay now that this process worked perfectly for you and your little guys, it’s time to give them bigger containers.

In Conclusion

Growing thine own weed from clones is a satisfying and smart hobby that will eventually pay for itself! 

This same tactic of plant propagation can also work for succulents, roses, and other root/vine-type plants. Once you start, you’ll see how easy it is.

Nature has been doing this stuff forever without heat pads or grow lights, so don’t be afraid to try cloning out without these larger investments.


December 11, 2024

Professional Athletes Who Smoke Weed

Professional Athletes Who Smoke Weed

Explore the world of professional athletes who use cannabis. Learn about athletes who advocate for its benefits in recovery, pain management, and overall well-being. Discover the ongoing shift in attitudes toward cannabis in the realm of sports.

Athletes are subjected to many drug tests to assure that they aren’t doping, and doping includes smoking dope. So. Here is a short list of athletes we think deserve props for being open and outspoken about their marijuana use and it’s medicinal benefits.

Many famous athletes who are household names come from a time when weed was not only illegal, but also damning. Imagine doing a full day of running around, pushing your body to the brink of physical endurance only to then come home and NOT smoke weed. Eye roll!

Sha’Carri Richardson 

Sha’Carri gets to go first in this article because she didn’t get the chance to win the gold medal last year at the Olympics.

On track to be a top three runner in the 2021 Olympics, Richardson is one of the fastest women in the world, and was a crowd favorite going into the games. However, after her Olympic Trials race, Sha’Carri’s drug test came back showing positive for THC. Richardson was suspended for 30 days which cost her her spot in the Tokyo women’s 100m race.

When we hear about doping scandals regarding sports, the majority of the time they are steroid related. Most people do not think of THC as a performance enhancing drug, including Sha’Carri.

“Btw THC definitely is not a performance enhance!!!!” Said Richardson on Twitter.

Tragically Sha’Carri Richardson’s mom passed away, and Sha’Carri had used marijuana as a way to cope with this untimely and tragic loss.

“Rules are rules” says Joe Biden, regarding Sha’Carri’s situation. Why do narcs love rules so much? 

There’s always 2025! And the whole world is already rooting for Sha’Carri. 

Megan Rapinoe 

You know Megan Rapinoe as the fiery, short-haired, openly gay female soccer player who helped lead the US women’s soccer team to victory in four World Cups, four Olympic gold metals, in addition to a majority of overall wins as a team since 1985. 

When Colin Kaepernick kneeled in protest during the national anthem in 2016, Megan Rapinoe followed suit. Megan has been outspoken about equal pay for women and female athletes. She has also exchanged some verbal blows with the former president, Donald Grump. 

So wouldn’t you know she’s got some skin in the CBD game! That’s right, she and her sister Rachel are working to normalize the use of CBD for athletes to use in place of painkillers and to help aid their physical recovery. 

Their brand is called “Mendi”, which is a series of recovery products, sleep aids, and anti-anxiety gummies that help athletes to relax after a game or a practice, or even before bed so they can perform at their absolute best the next time they hit the field.

Athletes like Sue Bird, and Elijah Muhammad have signed on for this all new, all-natural CBD adventure. However, during the Tokyo Olympics Megan Rapinoe was not allowed to bring in her CBD secret weapon because of Japan’s strict cannabis laws.

Maybe in the interest of inclusion Megan, Rachel, and Mendi should invite Sha’Carri on board for this new era of cannabis use and CBD which is accepted in sports. 

Marshawn Lynch 

You know Marshawn Lynch. He’s the guy who once in a post-game interview repeated the phrase, “I’m just here so I won’t get fined.” 29 times. Love that guy!

Marshawn is a Oakland, California native and was the former running back for the Seattle Seahawks (and the Buffalo Bills, and the Oakland Raiders), where he earned the nickname “Beast Mode”. Marshawn played for some twelve seasons in the NFL, until he retired in 2016. Since then has made a hard pivot into the entertainment and entrepreneurial world. 

Marshawn has appeared on TV shows, The League, Westworld, Brooklyn 99, Running Wild With Bear Grylls, and most recently, Murderville, an improvised murder mystery comedy now streaming on Netflix. Marshawn has also done motion capture and voice over work for video games like Call Of Duty Black Ops. Starting to ring a bell?

Now he has a badass weed company of his very own called Dodi Blunts that promotes social justice and raises up black and brown voices. Dodi blunts is partnered with The Last Prisoner Project in the Bay Area, which is a non-profit cannabis organization and is dedicated to cannabis related criminal justice reform.

In supporting Dodi Bunts you are helping to counteract the harm that The War On Drugs has brought to black and brown communities. Dodi wishes to expunge cannabis records, raise awareness and money for local causes, and support local arts and culture in underfunded and under-represented cities. 

Ross Rebagliati

You might remember our friend Ross Rebagliati as the Canadian snowboarder who in the 1998 Winter Olympics won the gold medal in the men’s giant slalom. This was the very first year that snowboarding was introduced to the Olympics in Nagano, Japan.

Following Ross’ victory was a crushing marijuana scandal. Ross was stripped of his medal by the International Olympic Committee due to the fact that his drug test came back showing 17.8 ng/mL THC metabolites, which is slightly higher than the 15 ng/mL threshold deemed legal at the time by the International Ski Federation. 

Ross was put on the no-fly list, and Saturday Night Live even did a sketch spoofing what happened to Ross. Comedian Jim Breuer plays a steryotypical forgetful high-guy who can’t stop singing Smash Mouth and talking about Doritos.

The Canadian Olympic Association appealed Ross’ case and Ross was given his gold medal back because THC was not considered a performance-enhancing drug. Lol. Little did they know, “Your body is made for cannabinoids. That might be a controversial thing to say, but it’s the truth.” says Ross in a YouTube video where he takes us through his supplement routine and explains the many health benefits of CBD and cannabinoids for the human body.

Fast forward to 2013, Ross Rebagliati opened his own dispensary and line of products in Canada called “Ross’ Gold” and is embracing the cannabis skeletons of his past. He has his own line of badass glass wear, and Ross is working to destigmatize the narrative that cannabis has negative effects on athletes.

We are entering an era where athletes are looking for more natural ways to relieve stress, deal with inflammation, get good rest, and curb performance anxiety. Without athletes like Ross going down for weed in the early days, we would never be at this advanced stage of learning when it comes to the true benefits of marijuana.

Michael Phelps 

This dude is on the list because while other athletes might admit to smoking, no athlete has ever been caught doing a mad bong rip like Michael Phelps. 

The 28-time Olympic medalist was suspended for three months six months after the Beijing Olympics. And he lost his sponsor, Kelloggs. A pretty tame slap on the wrist, but a slap on the wrist nonetheless. 

It is worth mentioning that Michael Phelps got busted for weed AFTER the Olympics were over and he was already a highly decorated athlete. 

In Conclusion 

Cannabis is a tricky topic to be open about because it’s still such a polarizing topic. If an active athlete tests positive for THC it is considered a health risk and goes against “the spirit of the sport”, but the World Anti-Doping Agency is alright with athletes using CBD. 

Both THC and CBD were banned until 2018.

While there are many retired athletes who are honest about their use of marijuana and/or CBD to help with pain and all the other great things it helps with, there are still only a few current working athletes who are playing the field (of weed). 



December 11, 2024

How to make cannabis hot cocoa

How to make cannabis hot cocoa

Cozy up with cannabis-infused hot cocoa! Learn to create this delightful beverage with our easy guide. Infuse your favorite hot cocoa recipe with cannabis to add a relaxing and comforting twist. Enjoy a warm cup of joy and chill with cannabis-infused hot cocoa.

When it’s cold outside, all you want to do is curl up with a snuggly blanket and drink a cup of hot chocolate. There’s nothing like a hot beverage to warm you from the inside out, especially one that has weed in it.

Yes, it’s true. You can make a mug of rich and indulgent cannabis-infused hot chocolate in the comfort of your home. All you need is a batch of THC-infused coconut oil and this simple recipe to make your cold-weather dreams come true. Read on to discover how to make cannabis hot cocoa.

Why coconut oil?

Although you can substitute cannabutter in the recipe, we highly recommend trying a cannabis-infused coconut oil. Rich in fat, this oil makes a perfect carrier for THC while also giving your beverage a delightful taste. Coconut oil adds a lightly sweet flavor to your hot chocolate that finishes with a pleasant tropical vibe. The oil also gives your drink a creamy mouthfeel and frothy top, just like the pros make at a coffee shop.

Best of all, if you already know how to make cannabutter, you know how to make weed-infused coconut oil. You use the exact same method to make it, only there’s no need to store it in the fridge. And then you’re ready to make your hot cocoa!

Cannabis-infused Hot Cocoa Recipe

Our the next snowy day or whenever you’re feeling cozy, whip up our version of this classic cold-weather treat. The rich chocolatey flavor with herbal kick is going to be your new holiday tradition.


(Makes 2 drinks)

  • 2 cups milk of your choice
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • ¼ cup chocolate chips or chopped chocolate bar (dark chocolate is our favorite)
  • ¼ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil/infused coconut oil (ratio depends on your desired dosage)
  • Healthy pinch of salt
  • Marshmallows or whipped cream for garnish, optional


  1. Place milk, cocoa powder, and sugar in a small saucepan. Heat over medium/medium-low heat, whisking frequently, until warm (but not boiling). Remove from heat.
  2. Add chocolate and whisk constantly until the chocolate chips melt and distribute evenly into the milk. Briefly place back on the heat if needed.
  3. Whisk in vanilla extract and cannabis-infused coconut oil until frothy. Pour into mugs and serve warm. Top with whipped cream or marshmallows if you’d like. Enjoy!


December 11, 2024

Decarboxylation: What is and why you should do it?

Decarboxylation: What is and why you should do it?

Decarboxylation is a process that activates the cannabinoids in cannabis by heating it. This transforms non-psychoactive compounds into psychoactive ones, enhancing the potency and effects when consuming edibles, tinctures, or other cannabis-infused products. Understanding and performing decarboxylation is crucial to unlock the full potential of cannabis.

Decarboxylation (pronounced de-carb-OX-yl-a-tion) might not be a term that is part of one’s everyday vocabulary, but if you’ve ever sparked up a joint, you actually already know what this word means. Heating cannabis up, like lighting it ablaze, is one way of many to “decarb” your buds — and it’s a crucial step if you want to get high. So whether you’re making edibles or just want to know more about this process, read on for our guide to decarboxylation. 

What is decarboxylation?

Decarboxylation — or decarb for short — is a process that transforms the non-psychoactive compound THCA into the psychoactive compound that we all know and love, THC. In other words, without this process, you won’t actually be able to get high when you consume cannabis. 

The cannabis plant naturally contains the cannabinoid THCA which turns into THC once the dried buds are decarbed. This is most commonly done with heat like that found in the fire of a lighter, a torch with a dab rig, the atomizer in a vape pen, or the oven when making at-home edibles. Heat is the secret ingredient because THCA has an extra carboxyl ring in its chemical structure and heat removes that ring — aka de-carboxylates the cannabinoid.

How does decarbing cannabis work?

Decarboxylation happens with a combination of heat and time. The high temperatures weed undergoes when vaping or smoking instantly decarbs your flower, making them immediately available for you to enjoy. 

Some decarboxylation can also occur over time during the drying and curing process after fresh flower is harvested. Additionally, oxygen can impact the decarboxylation process, which is why it’s important to store your stash properly.

Why do you have to decarb weed when making edibles?

No matter what kind of cannabis product you make, decarboxylation must occur before consumption in order to get high from them. Which, let’s be honest, that’s the goal, right?

In most cases, roughly ground flower is heated in the oven at a low temperature to decarboxylate them and then infused directly into a cooking medium like butter or coconut oil. Why? Because THC is lipophilic, meaning it binds easily to fat, which makes ingredients like butter and oil the perfect carrier. Both have many different purposes in the kitchen, have a light flavor, can effectively carry THC — and thus, get you super lit. While you can toss decarbed flower straight into your edibles and skip the infusion, it will not get you as high and could even result in a stomachache.

To get the most out of your homemade edibles, toasting cannabis in an oven before infusion is essential to activate the THC so it can be carried into the infusion, into the edible, and finally, into your belly.

How do you decarboxylate weed in an oven for edibles?

Activating your weed in the oven is a really simple process that just requires a little bit of patience and a few essentials.  

What You’ll Need

  • Baking sheet with a lip

  • Aluminum foil

  • JARS cannabis

  • Grinder, optional


  1. Preheat the oven to 235ºF, with the oven rack in the middle position. 

  2. Line the baking sheet with aluminum foil and carefully break up your buds onto it. It does not need to be ground too fine, to prevent burning your weed.

  3. Heat for about 45 minutes, making sure to mix it around once it is about halfway done to ensure even toasting. 

  4. Once the timer goes off, the weed should look slightly golden in color. Now that your weed has officially been decarbed you are ready to make an infusion, like cannabutter, and make some delicious edibles. 

Want to learn more?

For more deep dives into all things cannabis, follow us on social media @jars_life and stay tuned for more on the blog. 


December 11, 2024

Best Cannabis Strains for Going to a Concert

Best Cannabis Strains for Going to a Concert

Get concert-ready with the best cannabis strains to elevate your musical experience. Whether you crave an energy boost, heightened sensory perception, or relaxation, we've got the strains that harmonize perfectly with live music. Rock on with these curated cannabis recommendations for concert-goers!

We often get asked, what’s the best kind of music for smoking weed — and the truth is, you can’t go wrong with any type of music. If it makes you feel good, that’s the right kind of music for you. However, the type of music you like may help guide you towards the right strain for vibing out to your favorite artist, especially if you’re going to a live show.

Whether you’re going to an EDM show, hip-hop concert, country music festival, or anything in between, the right cannabis strain can enhance your concert-going experience ten-fold. Read on to discover the best cannabis strains for going to a concert of nearly every musical genre.

Music Festival

Despite COVID’s best efforts, music festivals of all kinds have become wildly popular in the last couple of years. Some festivals might be genre-specific, while others can span the vast spectrum of musical acts for you to enjoy in one place.

With that in mind, a sativa-leaning hybrid is likely going to be your best bet. Something that will keep you creatively energized for an upbeat act but still allow you to mellow out if you decide to see a more chill artist. Your budtender will be able to lead you in the right direction, but one of the most popular cannabis strains for going to a music festival is Sour Diesel. 

This uplifting strain is known for both busting stress and boosting your energy, making it a perfect match for the festival goer. Plus, it’s one of the most iconic strains in the modern cannabis market, so it should be pretty easy to track down.

EDM Concert

Ready to dance the night away at an EDM show? Then you’re going to need a sativa-dominant strain like Jack Herer or Super Lemon Haze to keep the good vibes rolling. Both strains offer a long-lasting euphoric boost that really gets the party started.

If you can’t find these strains at your local retailer, ask your budtender which strains are high in limonene — a zesty, lemon-forward terpene found in cannabis that is said to awaken your senses. Your budtender will know exactly what you’re looking for and be impressed with your cannabis knowledge.

Hip-hop Concert

When you’re going to see an OG in the game, you’ve gotta grab an OG strain to get your mind (and body) right. The list of OG strains is a long one so there are plenty of different kinds to choose from. However, almost all of them are known for producing a heavy body high with a carefree attitude.

If that sounds like the right fit for you, look for strains like OG Kush or Fire OG. These strains tend to be high in THC with a nice smell reminiscent of a pine forest. Expect to uncover a mixed head and body effect that allows you to chill all through your favorite rapper’s set.

R&B Concert

Chill is name of the game when it comes to a smooth R&B show — so you don’t want to fall asleep with an indica-leaning strain. No matter what artist you’re going to see, grab a creative weed strain that brings your focus to the present moment, like Pineapple Express.

This infamous strain (thanks to Seth Rogan) is not only fruity and delicious but also provides an alert yet playful mood. You’ll find yourself hearing the music live never before while remaining in the present moment with a smile on your face. Sounds pretty great, right?

Rock Concert

If headbanging is your thing, show up to your next concert with a well-balanced weed strain to keep you level-headed. Stay clear and ready for action with a 1:1 CBD to THC strain like Royal Highness or Shark Shock. A few puffs of these flavorful strains will get you lifted without dragging you down so you can rock out all night long.

Although CBD-rich strains are gaining popularity, they can be a liiiiittle more difficult to find than “traditional” THC-heavy strains. Usually, retailers will have at least one or two in stock so talk to your friendly local budtender to find exactly what you need.


December 11, 2024

How to Throw a Cannabis Dinner Party

How to Throw a Cannabis Dinner Party

Host an unforgettable cannabis dinner party with our guide. Curate a delightful menu infused with cannabis, set a cozy ambiance, and guide your guests through an evening of elevated dining. Discover how to blend good food, great company, and cannabis in a tasteful celebration.

From birthday parties to holiday potlucks to plain old weekend revelry, there are plenty of reasons to celebrate at any time of the year. A few years ago, alcohol may have been the main event, but nowadays cannabis is stepping into the limelight.

As cannabis continues to become more commonplace in everyday life, more and more people are interested in learning how to throw a cannabis dinner party. And we’re not talking about just making some pot brownies and calling it a day, we’re talking about creating an elevated experience that your friends will remember for years to come—and what that means is personal to you and your friend group.

With that said, there are a number of rules to live by when planning to host a cannabis-infused dinner party. Read on for all of the delicious details.

Decide on your when and your why.

First things first, decide when and why you’d like to throw your shindig. Whether it’s your birthday, a random holiday (ahem, 4/20 maybe), or simply want to get chill with your friends, settle on a date and why you’re gathering everyone together. This doesn’t have to be brain surgery but it makes planning a lot easier once you know these two essential details.Write out a guest list and send the invites.

Cannabis and food is a communal experience so consider your guest list carefully. This should be a drama-free zone. Be sure to make room for plus-ones as well if it’s going to be that kind of a party. Once you’ve decided who is on the list, send out those invitations (whether it’s a simple text or a template on Canva) and ask people to RSVP—this part is important.

We know, it’s kind of nerdy to ask people to RSVP, but in order to prepare the right amount of food, it’s important to at least have a general idea of who is going to be showing up. It’s okay to be nerdy if it means everyone is going to leave full and happy.

Start menu planning.

This can take a number of different forms depending on how you would like to serve your meal: Are you thinking you want something more casual like a family-style cookout? Or more structured like a sit-down meal with courses? Either can be easy to accomplish with the proper planning.

Once you know what kind of style you’d like your meal to be, you can start planning out the actual menu. Almost anything can be infused with cannabis when you have cannabutter and a cannabis-infused oil on hand (make an infused oil the same way you make cannabutter). Just remember that THC starts to degrade at 375℉, but other than that, let your imagination fly.

If you’re throwing a cookout, finish your burgers, chicken, or salmon with an infused honey glaze or BBQ sauce by simply blending in an infused coconut or olive oil. For a coursed meal, plan each dish so that it can be infused but still complement the meal as a whole. For example, if you’re making chilled avocado and corn soup as an appetizer, drizzle a little infused olive and cilantro oil over the top.

Get creative here and let your menu tell a story. Think about each and every flavor and how they’ll play together throughout the night. If this is your first time, it may seem intimidating, but just take things one step at a time.

Make your guests comfortable.

To make your celebration a night to remember, make sure that your guests are both cozy and safe. Of course, the usual couches and pillows are recommended, but you’ll also want to keep some CBD on hand in the off chance that one of the guests get a little too lit.

Short for cannabidiol, CBD is able to offset some of the unwanted side-effects of THC like anxiety or paranoia. You may even want to consider making a CBD-infused mocktail for your guests to enjoy as a seamless way to ensure everyone is comfortable for the night.

Besides that, remember to hydrate often and make it a judgment-free, safe space for your guests to enjoy.

Be prepared.

You know what Santa says: Make your list and check it twice! Double, triple-check that you have everything you need for a smooth ride. Think of all the small details, like extra plates and silverware and plenty of towels on hand in case of spills. For a special touch, set out extra rolling papers, lighters, and ashtrays so your guests have everything they need.

Go the extra mile by printing out table cards or menus so that everyone knows exactly what to expect. Light some candles, queue up a playlist, and really set the vibe. If appropriate, prep your food beforehand so that you can spend as much time with your guests as possible.

Enjoy yourself.

Last but certainly not least, just have fun. You’ve done all the planning, you’ve done all the prepping, now is your time to shine. Roll yourself a fat one because you’ve earned it.


December 11, 2024

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