How to Make a Pipe Out of an Apple: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide
If you haven't seen the cult classic movie, "The 40-Year-Old Virgin", it's a must watch stoner flick. Steve Carell's character Andy hits an apple bong at a party… leaving all of our mouths open in awe of the idea. Smoking weed out of fruit has been mentioned in several movies and TV shows the past few years.
There's no doubt that stoners are quite crafty, from gravity bongs to tin foil cans. When there's a will to smoke weed, there's a way to smoke weed. What takes this whole smoke experience to a higher level is the fact that it's healthy af! Just so we are all clear, we aren't talking about making a pipe out of your smartphone, iPad, or you misread this as apple pie. This DIY pipe is made using a fresh juicy apple. The kind you can slice up, slather in caramel, put in a pie, and smoke out of! This way of smoking is sometimes seen as amateur. Like those who don't have access to other smoking options. But that's also the opposite. It's so cheap, super easy to dispose of and it's pretty discreet compared to a glass bong or infused pre roll. First things first, gotta start with a sturdy, ripe apple. You want one that's got some heft to it, not too soft or mushy. Those thin-skinned apples just won't hold up when you start poking holes in 'em. Next, twist off that stem nice and clean. That little indent at the top makes for the perfect natural bowl to pack your herb in. Just be sure to clear out any seeds or debris in there - you want a nice, smooth surface to work with. Now, for the airflow hole. A ballpoint pen or something similar works great for this. Take your ballpoint pen or a sturdy poking tool and create a nice, deep hole right from the top of the apple. You want to go about halfway down, just enough to create a good-sized chamber to pack your herb in. Go slow and steady here, you don't want to punch all the way through. Leave a solid apple base at the bottom to keep everything sturdy. Once you've got that hollowed-out space, you can use the same tool to shape and refine the bowl area. Next up, the mouthpiece. This is the key to getting those smooth, tasty hits. Take your pen/tool and poke a straight-through hole, perpendicular to the first one. Make sure it connects with the bowl chamber so you've got a clear airflow path. The key is creating that direct pathway from the bowl to your lips. No unnecessary twists and turns - you want the smoke to travel nice and easy. Test it out a few times to make sure you've got a clear, unobstructed draw. So, about an inch down from the main bowl hole, use your trusty poking tool to punch another strategic hole. This is gonna serve as your carb - the air intake that lets you control the airflow and clear that chamber. The key is positioning it somewhere that's easy to cover with your finger while you're lighting up. You're looking to get a smooth, effortless draw. Play around with the placement until you find the sweet spot. And speaking of the bowl, don't forget to widen that top hole out a bit more. Use the same poking tool to carefully expand and shape it into a nice, deep, functional bowl. You want enough room in there to pack a decent-sized nugget without it spilling over the sides. Now, time to light it up. Place your finger firmly over that carb hole you made, and bring the flame to the cannabis in the bowl. Take it slow and steady - you don't need to scorch the whole thing at once. As you're lighting, start gently inhaling through the mouthpiece. This is where that carb hole comes in clutch - use your finger to control the airflow. Covering it gives you a nice, smooth draw, while opening it up lets you clear that chamber with ease. It's just like any other pipe, really. Treat it with the same care and technique you would a glass piece or joint. Slow, steady tokes, regulate that airflow, and enjoy that fresh, fruity flavor the apple provides. And when you're done? Just toss the whole thing - no mess, no fuss. The beauty of the apple bong is its simplicity and biodegradability. Gotta love a smoking sesh that leaves no trace. You want that apple to be crisp, juicy, and ripe. Different apple varieties can give you some really unique and interesting smoke profiles. Experiment with tart Granny Smiths, sweet Red Delicious, or even exotic options like Honeycrisps. See what pairs best with your favorite strains. Anytime you're dealing with sharp objects and open flames, you need to watch what you're doing. Mind your fingers when you're carving out the bowl and airflow holes. And on the smoking side, don't go too hard, too fast. Ease into those big, deep hits - the apple can create a surprisingly dense, harsh smoke if you're not careful. Regulate that airflow with the carb and enjoy those flavorful, smooth tokes. If it's not hitting well, tweak the holes a bit. Go bigger if needed. Harsh smoke? Try a different apple type. If you're having trouble getting it lit, try widening out that bowl a bit. And if the smoke is just too intense, play around with the carb placement and airflow. And if you find your apple piece is a little too delicate for your liking, consider adding some reinforcements. A couple strategic toothpick "crutches" can go a long way in adding stability. It's all in good fun. Dabble into your creativity and enjoy more fruits in your diet.What is an Apple Pipe and Why Make One?
Preparing the Apple
Creating the Bowl and Mouthpiece
Adding the Carb and Third Hole
Assembling the Apple Bong
Tips for Using Your Apple Pipe
Safety Precautions
Troubleshooting Common Issues
December 12, 2024

Understanding THC and CBD percentages in cannabis products
You should first know that there is a main difference in the effects we get from THC and CBD themselves. THC gives you that mind and body 'high'. CBD, on the other hand, provides mind and body remedies without the 'high'. A majority of cannabis products are either THC or CBD, but now, we are seeing more and more cannabis products with both of these magical cannabinoids. Getting a good understanding THC and CBD percentages in cannabis products comes down to reading ratios.
Understanding CBD and THC
Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are both found in cannabis plants, but their effects differ significantly. THC attaches to CB1 receptors in the brain, causing a "high," while CBD only weakly binds to this receptor and doesn't produce euphoria.
Medical cannabis products often combine CBD and THC in varying ratios for different therapeutic effects. Research is ongoing to determine the most effective ratios for various conditions.
THC primarily interacts with CB1 receptors, while CBD interacts with CB2 receptors and can also block THC from binding to CB1. This explains how CBD can counteract some of THC's psychoactive effects. The belief that THC increases the therapeutic effects of CBD in certain ratios is also being studied.
Reading Cannabis Labels
When scanning the displays at your local JARS Cannabis dispensary, cannabis flower labels can raise an eyebrow. You might see products like these Wana Gummies that have a 1:1:1 ratio. This means it has equal amounts of CBD, THC, and CBN (another beneficial cannabinoid). Many topicals will have a fun mixture like Mary’s Medicinal Remedy Oil with a 2:2:1:1 ratio, 2 parts CBD and CBG to every 1 part CBN and THC. When it comes to cannabis products, your most common ratios will be 1:1, 4:1, and 10:1.
Different CBD:THC Ratios
When you see a marijuana product labeled with a ratio, it indicates the amount of CBD to THC in milligrams. For example, a product labeled 1:1 means that for every milligram of CBD in the product, there will be one milligram of THC as well. As you might guess, the higher the CBD:THC ratio is, the less psychoactive effects you will feel.
A lot of people are looking for the 'golden ratio' for things like pain, anxiety, and insomnia. There is a spectrum of different ratios. The following are ones you will see on your favorite cannabis products.
1:1 Ratio (Balanced)
A balanced ratio of equal parts CBD to THC will give you that blend of body buzz and high. This is a popular ratio with products like Tonic 1:1 Tropical Punch Drink, Chill Medicated Body Rub, and many edible gummies having the 1:1 ratio.
2:1 Ratio (CBD-Dominant)
With two parts CBD to every one part THC, you can expect reduced psychoactive effects. This gives you a milder and more functional high. Great for mild pain relief, anxiety, and increased appetite. You'll notice this ratio in many gummy edibles and tinctures.
4:1 Ratio (CBD-Dominant)
Having four parts CBD to one part THC makes the therapeutic effects super noticeable. The high amount of CBD depletes almost all psychoactive effects.
10:1 Ratio (High CBD)
At this point, the THC psychoactive effects are pretty much non-existent. Products with this ratio are amazing for reducing anxiety, relieving pain, and getting a good night's sleep.
20:1 Ratio (Ultra-High CBD)
At this ratio, it's highly unlikely for you to feel any psychoactive effects. But the small amount of THC is still there and doing its job of making your body feel good. This ratio is perfect if you want the main benefits of CBD.
Over the past few years, researchers in Israel have been conducting tests on a 20:1 CBD to THC cannabis oil and have found encouraging outcomes in alleviating various secondary symptoms of autism spectrum disorder. These include better sleep, decreased anxiety, fewer outbursts of anger, and a reduction in self-harming behaviors.
THC percentages alone don't tell the full story
When looking at THC percentage, a higher level doesn't necessarily translate to a stronger high. Other factors like terpene profiles and your own endocannabinoid system play big roles. What's more, the same percentage can have different effects depending on the consumption method. Smoking typically produces quicker, more intense effects compared to edibles that take longer to kick in.
In simple terms, the THC percentage of a cannabis product indicates the amount of THC in milligrams found in one gram of cannabis plant material or concentrate. For instance, if a gram of cannabis flower has a THC percentage of 20%, it means there are 200 milligrams of THC present. Similarly, if 0.5 grams of cannabis concentrate has a THC percentage of 90%, it contains 450 milligrams of THC.
Pain management and THC content
When it comes to being in pain, instant relief is the winning ticket. With more than 20% of Americans (50 million) dealing with chronic pain, both CBD and THC have rightfully earned their spot in pain relief options. Although they have different effects on your body's receptors, together, they create a synergetic effect. This is also known as the 'entourage effect'.
Mild to moderate inflammation-related pain, like arthritis, can be effectively managed with CBD-dominant products like CBD:THC 20:1 and 10:1. These ratios are unlikely to cause any intoxicating effects.
People with neuropathic pain resulting from nervous system disease or damage will benefit from a higher THC ratio, moving towards a balanced 1:1 ratio. Again, this all depends on the severity of the condition and the person's tolerance to THC.
Best CBD to THC ratio for anxiety
Since THC has a tendency to induce anxiety for some of us, a balanced ratio will bring great benefits. There is a frequent review from 2022 titled "What Do You Know About Maryjane? A Systematic Review of the Current Data on the THC:CBD Ratio," it found that hemp-derived CBD can actually alleviate stress and make your feel relaxed.
The review indicates that a CBD ratio of around 20:1 is the most effective for reducing anxiety. Strains with higher CBD levels are renowned for their potent anxiety-reducing properties, which is highlighted in the report.
The ideal ratio for sleep disorders
There are many cannabis products that can help with sleeping. Whether it is an Indica-dominant strain or a topical with a high THC to CBD ratio. Achieving a restful night's sleep with insomnia can seem like an impossible task...until you find the right balance of CBD and THC for your needs.
While some physicians may prescribe sleeping pills, these can have harmful effects on both your mental and physical well-being.
The calming effects of CBD, combined with the sedative properties of THC, can make it easier for you to fall asleep. Many experts recommend a 5:1 CBD to THC ratio in tincture form to help you unwind without causing your mind to go loopy or your heart to race.
If you still find yourself raising an eyebrow at certain ratios on cannabis products or have any questions about consuming cannabis, your JARS budtender is patiently waiting to answer them!
December 12, 2024

How long does THC stay in your system?
It doesn't matter if you smoke, eat, drink, or vape cannabis, THC metabolites still hang out in your body for days afterward. You can be asking this question because you have an upcoming drug test for a job, or maybe you are just looking to reset your tolerance. There are a few different ways to test for THC and factors that affect everyone's test results. So, how long does THC stay in your system? While it isn't an exact answer, we are going to help you determine a close time frame.
How does your body process THC metabolites?
In general, THC and its metabolites can be detected in your body for up to 30 days after you use it. But, this time frame can vary depending on how you use cannabis (smoking, edibles, etc.), how often you use it (daily, socially, rarely, etc.), how much you use (one gummy edible, three joints, etc.), and how potent in THC the cannabis is. Another factor that is just as important is your individual body and lifestyle.
For those with a fast metabolism will tend to eliminate THC more quickly than someone with a slow metabolism. Are you an occasional, light user, meaning you pop an edible before a first date or take part in a puff-puff-pass session on the weekends? Or a chronic user, meaning you consume cannabis nearly every day? Have you just started using cannabis recently? Have you been a cannabis user for several years? Are you consuming concentrates with high, 80+ THC percentages? Flower with 20+ THC percentages? Or, edibles with low, 5 THC percentages?
Answering questions like these will help you determine how easily your body will eliminate the THC in your system.
Where will THC stay in my body?
After you consume cannabis, THC is broken down into metabolites, primarily THC-COOH, which is what drug tests are typically looking for. The metabolites are fat-soluble, which means they can accumulate in the fat tissues throughout your body.
The process of eliminating THC and its metabolites from your body is called metabolism. This process is primarily done in the liver, where enzymes break down THJC into different metabolites. They are then eliminated through your urine or feces.
While THC is quickly metabolized, THC-COOH can linger in your system for a longer period. It is gradually released from your fat cells back into your bloodstream. This is why it can still be detected in a drug test even after the effects have worn off.
THC in body fat
Even though THC leaves the bloodstream fairly fast, it can break down into over 80 different byproducts. THC metabolites are typically stored in your body's fat tissues. Someone who is pleasantly plump, or has more body fat than average, will need a longer time to fully eliminate THC from their system.
THC and cannabis drug tests
Your standard THC and cannabis drug tests have a cut-off level. This means you can test positive for THC in your urine as long as it is under 50 nanograms per milliliter (0.211337 cups) and still pass the drug test. Now, it’s probably not the best idea to go into your drug test appointment wreaking like weed, no matter how clean your system is.
Urine tests
The marijuana detection window in terms of determining the length of time cannabinoids will remain detectable in urine following smoking cannabis is the most researched. While decades of research state that it takes 30 days for THC levels to be undetectable, it isn't an exact answer. It's possible that someone who has been a chronic cannabis user for several years, along with having a slow metabolism, can take days longer to pass a urine test.
Saliva tests
These are typically done to check for recent use. Saliva drug testing analyzes an oral fluid sample and tests for active THC. Unlike urine tests, this method does not measure non-psychoactive metabolites, making it perfect for quick and noninvasive screening. Your saliva holds enough THC to test positive for a couple of days after you smoke. (Research on edibles and saliva drug tests needs to happen!)
Blood tests
Since THC is rapidly metabolized in the blood, the detection time is much more narrow than a urine test. THC can be detected in your bloodstream within minutes to hours after use. Occasional users can pass a THC blood test in about two to three days. Chronic users should wait at least seven to ten days. Check our post and see if you can donate blood if you smoke weed.
Hair tests
It's crazy how much information you can get from a chunk of your hair. Taking a THC hair follicle drug test, you have about 200 strands of hair tested. The follicle contains months of drug use that is detected in your body. Nice try bald heads, tests can use any bodily hair!
Hair analysis can detect signs of THC 90 days or longer after use. It also tests for a wider variety of substances and drugs than other THC drug tests. This makes them pretty pricey and need a good reason to be administered.
Invalid and False Positive Results
It happens: You're in a pinch to pass a drug test, nervous that you might still drop dirty, and the results come back as a false positive or invalid. Meaning you have to retake the test again. Is this a good thing? Does it buy you more time until you have to test again? There are extremely rare cases when someone who has never consumed cannabis has a positive urine test.
For example, if you just popped an Advil the same day as your test, you might have to go back for another test. NSAIDs with Naproxen, Ibuprofen, and Fenoprogen can interfere with the enzyme reaction. When the enzyme reaction in your test seems abnormal or potentially tampered with, the test results aren't valid. You can check out the large list of medications that can cause a possible false positive result for THC.
The truth about marijuana cannabis detox
If you're looking to cut cannabis out of your life completely, your body will have to detox. Quitting cold turkey is harsh and never fun. It takes around 30 days for you to show no traces of THC in your system through urine. Detoxifying your body will speed up this process to as little as a few days. Something to be aware of with marijuana cannabis detox kits is the fact that you are flushing your system. You are hydrating to the max which can make your urine sample very watered down. This will possibly return as a falso positive or invalid test result.
Taking the quick detox route isn't a guaranteed pass for everyone or every time. There are a plethora of at home THC testing kits at your local drugstore. Pick up a couple of them and track your THC levels during a detox.
December 12, 2024

How to Smoke Pre Rolls?
There’s a first time for everything, right? Well, pre rolls are making a comeback, and we stand for it! There are some die-hard pipe and bong smokers out there who have yet to consume cannabis wrapped in paper. Getting your sticky fingers on something new can have you questioning things, even when it comes down to how to smoke pre rolls. You can have years of experience smoking pre rolls and still find valuable information here. It might just surprise you that there are very small tweaks you can make to get the best use out of your pre roll smoke sesh. You will have no trouble finding your perfect preroll with JARS. The best part? We guarantee daily specials and limited-time offers on our massive selection of pre rolls. With options like mini half gram joints to massive 2 gram joints, a majority of pre rolls are holding 1 full gram of flower. Grab a single pre roll, a 5 pack, or spoil yourself with a full ounce of flower pre rolled and packaged into 28 single joints. There are your standard organic pre rolls that aren’t infused with any concentrates or distallates. Just straight flower rolled to perfection. These are filled with with your favorite strain or you can take a step towards the wild side and test out a new strain! When thinking about which strains are more your vibe, keep the following in mind. Sativa pre rolls: Your daytime toker that gives you a little pep in your step. Creativity and an uplifting mood... seems like we need more of this in the world, eh? Try out Gazzurple Organic Sativa from Sapphire Farms. Indica pre rolls: Remember, indica = in-da-couch. These are more your nighttime, stress-relieving, and calming type of strain. Sit back and relax, possibly discover a new tasty food concoction. A great option is Gushers Indica from Juicee. Hybrid pre rolls: The best of both worlds? Yes indeed! Now, with hybrid strains, you might not be getting 50% indica and 50% sativa. There are hybrid cannabis plants that are more dominant in one strain. You can’t go wrong with a Runtz Puncher Hybrid from Jackpot Farms. Infused pre rolls: Who doesn't love a little extra oomph once in a while? When you feel like it’s time to level up, an infused pre roll will be your winning ticket. Using concentrates and distillates to add in and/or around the pre roll intensifies the whole experience. These infused pre rolls might be a little pricier but you’re getting a product with up to 40% THC! A couple popular options are resin-infused,bubble hash infused, and pre rolls caked in kief For some of us, a quality pre roll from JARS can get you lifted with just a few puffs. There is absolutely no reason you should feel forced to finish the whole thing. Getting yourself to a comfortable level of being faded is the goal. If that means you still have some smokeable hits left before you reach the filter, you've got a goody for later! The best place to store it for a short amount of time is going to be the package or tube it came in! An opaque glass jar with a tight seal and putting it somewhere cool and dark is your best bet. Since your pre roll is... well... previously rolled, it's already packed with the green and ready for you to consume! As far as 'packing' your pre roll, its the same process many cigarette smokers use to 'pack' their smokes. This is meant to condense the content. If you've ever hit a joint that was loosely packed and it keeps going out or the hot drops off constantly.... you will be familiar with packing a pre roll. Before you light up, give the pre roll a little squeeze to determine if it is packed evenly. By tapping the pre roll lightly on a surface and letting some air out, you are going to get a smooth and even inhale. Just don't go buckwild on packing it too tight, then you won't be able to hit it at all. Just 'flick the Bic' right? Well, that's not exactly the case when it comes to pre rolls. If you light your pre roll all willy-nilly, you can end up 'canoeing' it, where it burns down only one side. This is a pre roll party foul and not the best cannabis etiquette. First and most importantly, don't rush the process of lighting a joint, as it may not ignite right away. When you're ready to light the joint, focus on lighting just the tip. Lighters with a low-flame won’t torch the terpenes and cannabinoids. Rotate the pre roll to create an even burn by making sure the paper overlaps. Hold the joint a few inches away from the flame and avoid letting the flame directly touch it. You don't want to take a fat rip from your pre roll. You will get a more efficient hit by inhaling the smoke and letting it linger in your mouth for a second before inhaling it further into your lungs. Start with small puffs and avoid inhaling large amounts of smoke right away - your lungs will appreciate it. If you inhale fresh air with your hit, it will enhance the flavors of the cannabis and result in a less harsh toke. Also, be sure not to inhale while lighting the joint. This is a key difference between cannabis pre rolls and regular cigarettes. Inhaling while lighting can cause a quick, uneven burn and make it hard to see what's happening at the tip. Wait until the actual paper is lit before taking a full drag. The perks that come with smoking pre rolls are pretty convincing. Starting off with the simple fact that they are premade and ready to light. No need to grind the bud, roll, or lick anything! Pre rolls are an option you don’t need to invest in, especially when you want to sample a different strain. Another perk is the quality and perfection of the product. A pre roll might be packed and rolled by a quality craftsman or using a machine that aggregates a batch of pre rolls at once. If you commonly DIY the rolling process and have perfected your techniques, that results in an absolute pearl of a joint... 👏👏 Hats off to you, my friend. If that isn’t you, there are options that help you roll a quality joint every single time. Or, you know, just leave the dirty work with us and get yourself a pre roll. You knew they were coming. With anything that’s just soo good, there is typically a ‘not soo good’ side to the story. When it comes to pre rolls, the number one drawback is the fact that you are inhaling smoke. Hopefully that doesn’t come as a shock to you. Then there is the *sweet* and skunky aroma that lingers and can be tough to cover up. For whatever reason, you aren’t able to get your pre roll from JARS you should know that there are dispensaries out there that have done a terrific job at giving pre rolls a bad name. Since you aren’t seeing exactly what the contents looks like inside of the pre roll, you might be skeptical of the quality.Understanding JARS Pre Rolls
Do you have to finish your pre roll?
How to Perfectly Pack a Pre Roll
The Art of Lighting a Pre Roll
Tips for Enjoying Your Pre Roll
Perks and Drawbacks to Cannabis Pre Rolls
The Perks
The Drawbacks
December 12, 2024

What Are Pre-Rolls Infused With?
Pre-rolled joints have been vibin' since the dawn of time. It's the OG way to smoke cannabis. Now, in today's lit marijuana scene, joints are taking it up a notch by infusing concentrates into the mix. These bad boys offer a next-level smoke sesh compared to your basic pre rolls. But what are pre-rolls infused with exactly? For a quick reminder, a pre-roll is a joint or cone that’s filled with your favorite strain and ready to get lit. But when you level it up to an infused pre-roll, that's when you add some next-level cannabis concentrates into the mix. And when we talk concentrates, we're talking about the good stuff, like hash, live rosin, wax, and kief. Cannabis brands will infuse a pre-roll by adding the concentrate to the flower inside of the joint, or dip/lace the outside with concentrate. Starting off with the obvious, pre-rolls are super convenient. You will always have a variety of options of infused pre-rolls at JARS. It’s a great way to try out new strains, elevate your smoke sesh, and even spoil yourself with something a little extra potent. You will also enjoy the higher potency, more intense, and longer-lasting high. Another major benefit is the rich flavors. Concentrates can add a more robust flavor profile to the pre-roll, thanks to the terpenes and cannabinoids found in the extracts. There sure are! These multi-concentrate infused pre-rolls can combine various forms of cannabis concentrates, such as wax, kief, hash oil, and others, to enhance potency, flavor, and the overall smoking experience. You can check out Baby Jeeters Infused Pre-Rolls at JARS, which have premium flower infused with distillate and rolled in kief. With pre-rolls making a comeback, being super convenient, and crafted with top-shelf buds, it’s the perfect choice for any first-timer. But you can think of it like this: if it’s your first time riding a bike, do you pick the pedal bike (maybe with training wheels), or do you go for the suped-up motorbike? For those of you who like to dip your toes in the water first just to be safe, hold off on lighting up an infused pre-roll. But, for those of you who are geared up on the motorbike and jumping cannonball-style into the water, you have that ‘bring-it-on’ attitude. Getting too high is very possible if you’re a first-time smoker going straight for the strong stuff. You don’t need to read between the lines if a pre-roll is infused with solvent-based cannabis concentrate. Simply put, solvent-based cannabis concentrates are your thick wax, hard and brittle shatter, or soft creamy butter. These concentrates are made by using solvents like butane, CO2, or alcohol to extract active compounds like flavonoids, terpenes, and cannabinoids. Cannabis concentrates vs cannabis flower There are your more popular options for infused pre-rolls. Shatter has a translucent and shiny look with a glassy texture that’s straight-up mesmerizing. Mainly used for dabbing, but when broken up, it can be sprinkled into a pre-roll. Some shatter-infused pre-rolls are made by rolling the outside of the joint with melted shatter. Sound tasty? Check out the Element Live Resin Pre-Rolls at JARS What’s not to love about kief? These are all of the loose trichomes that accumulate at the bottom of your grinder. It is the Franks Red Hot sauce of cannabis because it goes on everything! Plus the fact that it is so readily available and there is no need for an extensive process. Infuse any plain pre-roll with your kief! Or, come over to JARS and grab one of the many Jeeter Pre-Rolls that are covered in kief! Hash and flower are the perfect combo when it comes to the best infused cannabis pre-rolls. Hash is made using purely the whole marijuana plant and no solvents. Flower is pressed and/or heated and during this, the trichomes caramelize into a gooey goodness. Hash is a very concentrated form of cannabis therefore it is very potent and full of rich flavors. Not to be confused with just hash-infused. Bubble hash is still a solventless concentrate. Instead of using solvents like alcohol and butane, the hash is flash-frozen. It is then put through an agitation process that separates and filters the trichomes to their most pure form. This makes for a more clean, less toxic, and tastier form of infusion. You can get a handful of options from Glorious and Uplyfted pre-rolls at JARS! Another popular solvent-based option is wax-infused pre-rolls. Unlike shatter, wax that is budder or crumble concentrate has a potency and flavor that goes unmatched. You’ll notice a higher THC percentage with wax-infused pre-rolls and can expect a strong, immediate, and powerful high. First, what exactly are moon rocks? When you combine marijuana flower with hash oil and kief, you get the most potent ‘knock-your-socks-off’ moon rocks. The flavor is intense along with being extremely potent. Infused cannabis pre-rolls are all about convenience. You get your flower and concentrate fix all in one. You want to start off with whatever ingredients you prefer in smoking a joint. You really can’t go wrong with any strain of flower in your infused pre-roll. Your choice of concentrate will determine whether you are putting it on the inside of the joint or lacing the outside with your concentrate. You want your flower to be grinded down, just like it would be in a standard pre-roll. You can use a grinder or go old school and use your fingers to break it down. Place filter on rolling paper and form the cone You have a few options here. There are pre-made cones already infused, or you can up the game with JARS Activated Rolling Papers and craft up your own filter. How to use shatter Potential benefits of shatterWhat is an Infused Pre-Roll?
Why choose infused pre-rolls?
Are there pre-rolls with more than one concentrate infusion?
Are Infused Pre-Rolls For First-Timers?
Solvent-Based Cannabis Concentrate
Different Types of Infused Pre-Rolls
Shatter-Infused Pre-Rolls
Kief-Infused Pre-Rolls
Hash-Infused Pre-Rolls
Bubble Hash-Infused Pre-Rolls
Wax-Infused Pre-Rolls
Pre-rolls Infused with Moon Rocks
Step-By-Step Guide To Make An Infused Cannabis Pre-Roll
Choose flower and concentrate of choice
Grind cannabis
December 12, 2024