How long does THC stay in your system?

by JARS | December 12, 2024

It doesn't matter if you smoke, eat, drink, or vape cannabis, THC metabolites still hang out in your body for days afterward. You can be asking this question because you have an upcoming drug test for a job, or maybe you are just looking to reset your tolerance. There are a few different ways to test for THC and factors that affect everyone's test results. So, how long does THC stay in your system? While it isn't an exact answer, we are going to help you determine a close time frame.
How does your body process THC metabolites?
In general, THC and its metabolites can be detected in your body for up to 30 days after you use it. But, this time frame can vary depending on how you use cannabis (smoking, edibles, etc.), how often you use it (daily, socially, rarely, etc.), how much you use (one gummy edible, three joints, etc.), and how potent in THC the cannabis is. Another factor that is just as important is your individual body and lifestyle.
For those with a fast metabolism will tend to eliminate THC more quickly than someone with a slow metabolism. Are you an occasional, light user, meaning you pop an edible before a first date or take part in a puff-puff-pass session on the weekends? Or a chronic user, meaning you consume cannabis nearly every day? Have you just started using cannabis recently? Have you been a cannabis user for several years? Are you consuming concentrates with high, 80+ THC percentages? Flower with 20+ THC percentages? Or, edibles with low, 5 THC percentages?
Answering questions like these will help you determine how easily your body will eliminate the THC in your system.
Where will THC stay in my body?
After you consume cannabis, THC is broken down into metabolites, primarily THC-COOH, which is what drug tests are typically looking for. The metabolites are fat-soluble, which means they can accumulate in the fat tissues throughout your body.
The process of eliminating THC and its metabolites from your body is called metabolism. This process is primarily done in the liver, where enzymes break down THJC into different metabolites. They are then eliminated through your urine or feces.
While THC is quickly metabolized, THC-COOH can linger in your system for a longer period. It is gradually released from your fat cells back into your bloodstream. This is why it can still be detected in a drug test even after the effects have worn off.
THC in body fat
Even though THC leaves the bloodstream fairly fast, it can break down into over 80 different byproducts. THC metabolites are typically stored in your body's fat tissues. Someone who is pleasantly plump, or has more body fat than average, will need a longer time to fully eliminate THC from their system.
THC and cannabis drug tests
Your standard THC and cannabis drug tests have a cut-off level. This means you can test positive for THC in your urine as long as it is under 50 nanograms per milliliter (0.211337 cups) and still pass the drug test. Now, it’s probably not the best idea to go into your drug test appointment wreaking like weed, no matter how clean your system is.
Urine tests
The marijuana detection window in terms of determining the length of time cannabinoids will remain detectable in urine following smoking cannabis is the most researched. While decades of research state that it takes 30 days for THC levels to be undetectable, it isn't an exact answer. It's possible that someone who has been a chronic cannabis user for several years, along with having a slow metabolism, can take days longer to pass a urine test.
Saliva tests
These are typically done to check for recent use. Saliva drug testing analyzes an oral fluid sample and tests for active THC. Unlike urine tests, this method does not measure non-psychoactive metabolites, making it perfect for quick and noninvasive screening. Your saliva holds enough THC to test positive for a couple of days after you smoke. (Research on edibles and saliva drug tests needs to happen!)
Blood tests
Since THC is rapidly metabolized in the blood, the detection time is much more narrow than a urine test. THC can be detected in your bloodstream within minutes to hours after use. Occasional users can pass a THC blood test in about two to three days. Chronic users should wait at least seven to ten days. Check our post and see if you can donate blood if you smoke weed.
Hair tests
It's crazy how much information you can get from a chunk of your hair. Taking a THC hair follicle drug test, you have about 200 strands of hair tested. The follicle contains months of drug use that is detected in your body. Nice try bald heads, tests can use any bodily hair!
Hair analysis can detect signs of THC 90 days or longer after use. It also tests for a wider variety of substances and drugs than other THC drug tests. This makes them pretty pricey and need a good reason to be administered.
Invalid and False Positive Results
It happens: You're in a pinch to pass a drug test, nervous that you might still drop dirty, and the results come back as a false positive or invalid. Meaning you have to retake the test again. Is this a good thing? Does it buy you more time until you have to test again? There are extremely rare cases when someone who has never consumed cannabis has a positive urine test.
For example, if you just popped an Advil the same day as your test, you might have to go back for another test. NSAIDs with Naproxen, Ibuprofen, and Fenoprogen can interfere with the enzyme reaction. When the enzyme reaction in your test seems abnormal or potentially tampered with, the test results aren't valid. You can check out the large list of medications that can cause a possible false positive result for THC.
The truth about marijuana cannabis detox
If you're looking to cut cannabis out of your life completely, your body will have to detox. Quitting cold turkey is harsh and never fun. It takes around 30 days for you to show no traces of THC in your system through urine. Detoxifying your body will speed up this process to as little as a few days. Something to be aware of with marijuana cannabis detox kits is the fact that you are flushing your system. You are hydrating to the max which can make your urine sample very watered down. This will possibly return as a falso positive or invalid test result.
Taking the quick detox route isn't a guaranteed pass for everyone or every time. There are a plethora of at home THC testing kits at your local drugstore. Pick up a couple of them and track your THC levels during a detox.